Let’s get our hands dirty and have some fun while we learn!
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Join Lasdon’s kids only Garden Club. This club will have a monthly meet-up from April – October, with additional opportunities to come help with seasonal garden chores. Each meeting will be about an hour long and will focus on horticultural education and hands in the dirt gardening.
Children will work with Lasdon educators to plan the garden from seed to harvest. Some of the projects children will assist with are growing herbs and vegetables for a local food pantry and propagating native plants for the Monarch Meadow.
Monthly Meeting Agenda
April 14th: Starting vegetables from seeds
May 12th: Growing herbs for charity
June 9th: Harvesting & Garden maintenance
July 14th: Native plants & crop rotation
August 11th: Succession planting for Fall vegetables
September 8th: Planting natives in Monarch Meadow
October 6th: Preparing the garden for winter
Garden Work Days
4/28@10am – Early season garden tasks
5/19@10am – Preparing herb plants for donation & potting native seedlings
6/23@10am – Water, weed, harvest & direct seeding
7/21@10am – Water, weed, harvest & direct seeding
7/28@10am – Water, weed & harvest
8/18@10am – Water, weed & harvest
9/15@10am – Weeding, harvesting & planting natives
9/29@10am – Weeding, harvesting & planting natives
10/27@10am – Weeding, harvesting & planting natives
11/3@10am – Final harvest & putting the garden to bed
*Garden work days (GWD) are an extension of learning and helps maintain the children’s garden space. While these days are optional, each member should plan to sign-up for a few dates in addition to monthly meetings. GWD will be covered at the first meeting.
Special Events:
Families are invited to celebrate the children’s garden with a garden to table meal.
SALAD DAY – June 16th 12-1pm
SUMMERS END PICNIC – August 25th 12-1pm
FALL HARVEST LUNCH – October 20th 12-1pm
* Dates and times are subject to change